Message from the SGS President


I’m proud to have the honor of being invited to submit a paragraph for the inaugural edition of the SGS newsletter.  A major role for this publication, of course, is to provide a means of communication to the SGS membership about issues in the world of gynecology that affect us and our patients.   More importantly, the Board of Directors hopes this will become a forum for discussion, to air topics that concern all of us. I encourage each of us to take advantage of the opportunity this publication provides, to bring suggestions, concerns, opinions, and questions to the attention of our community.

To the last point. As we all know, fundamental to the mission of SGS is improvement of the quality of gynecologic surgery. That was the intent of our founders, and it remains so today. How to achieve that goal remains elusive. It must include adherence to evidence-based practice, remaining current and competent in surgical theory and technique, and ongoing review of surgical outcomes of everyone practicing gynecologic surgery. Evermore important in this day of ever shrinking resources is sensitivity to value conscious management. These challenges loom larger each day for each of us. I am hoping that the collective wisdom of our society, which the Board of Directors is inviting you to join us in expressing in these pages, will help move us toward our goal.

Good reading!

Stephen Metz, MD