Strategic Plan Update
As presented at the annual meeting in Charleston 2013, SGS held a retreat in November of 2012 to discuss the SGS mission and strategic objectives over the next 3-5 years. Much has been accomplished since that retreat. The five major areas of discussion at the retreat were 1) reaffirmation or revision of mission; 2) financial stability; 3) membership; 4) organizational structure and 5) visibility.
Based on the plan to improve the financial stability, SGS launched a new fund development program (article above). There has also been an enhanced campaign to increase the visibility of the SGS annual scientific meeting to non SGS members. The scientific program committee is focused on providing education that is suitable to all gynecologic surgeons. The members of the Executive Committee each provided names of gynecologic surgeons that would enjoy attending SGS educational sessions. Individual invitations were sent to each gynecologist identified to invite them to attend SGS in Scottsdale. In 2015 we would like to expand that invitation list and involve the SGS membership in helping to provide names of individuals to invite. Keep posted for the 2015 information soon. Based on this campaign the attendance at the 2014 annual meeting was higher than any previous meetings held by SGS and the response on the evaluations confirmed the excellence of the scientific program. SGS will continue to broaden the educational content with a renewed effort on evidence-based medicine and an emphasis vaginal hysterectomy.
Much more is currently being done behind the scenes to establish policies and improve member benefits including the opportunity to interact on the website. Please contact us if you have any suggestions for improvement.