Surgeons Helping Advance Research and Education
The Society of Gynecologic Surgeons (SGS) is pleased to announce the launch of a fund development program to support the SGS mission. The new program “Surgeons Helping Advance Research and Education “(SHARE) was officially inaugurated at the SGS 40th Annual Scientific Meeting in Scottsdale, AZ on March 25, 2014. Members of SGS have been on the forefront of advancements in gynecologic surgeon through thoughtful assessment of the literature, research and education of fellow physician-surgeons. Nevertheless, there remain many deficiencies and great opportunities for continued improvement. To ensure that the field of gynecologic surgery continues meaningful advances, we must address the challenges to our Society’s mission. Building a culture of annual giving within the Society and the establishment of funds to support educational and research initiatives (and to honor those who have made special contributions to the field) will ensure that these important initiatives continue. We believe our members, from charter members to associates, will make it possible to enhance the advancements of gynecologic surgery in the 21st century. A fund development strategy is imperative to help SGS cement its position as the leading society of gynecologic surgery and to ensure continued advancements in our field. Click here for photos of the Fiesta Margarita launching the SHARE program.