Over the past 40 years we have seen great advancements in gynecologic surgery, including better procedures for malignant and benign tumors, endometriosis, prolapse, incontinence, and abnormal uterine bleeding. In addition, better understanding of outcome metrics have made it easier to understand benefit/risk ratios. Members of the Society of Gynecologic Surgeons have been on the forefront of these advancements through thoughtful assessment of the literature, research and education of fellow physician-surgeons.
SGS has put in place an enduring society fundraising strategy that will enable the Society to continue to support educational and research objectives. Building a culture of annual giving and the establishment of restricted funds to support educational and research initiatives (and to honor those who have made special contributions to the field) will ensure that these important initiatives continue. We believe that through the generosity of our members, from charter members to associates, we will make it possible to enhance the advancements of gynecologic surgery in the 21st century. A fund development strategy is imperative to help SGS cement its position as the leading society of gynecologic surgery and to ensure continued advancements in our field.
HOW TO DONATE Donors have options of contributing to nine different SGS funds, which include a general fund along with others to support the following categories of activities:
• Course and Meeting Support • Awards/Lectures • Education • Research
General Fund 1. The General Fund is not restricted for any targeted use and is reviewed regularly by SGS leadership who can direct funds to support most immediate or strategic needs.
Course/Meeting Attendance Support 1. The Michael P. Aronson Fund - Supports early career faculty to attend the SGS Winter Postgraduate Course that Dr. Aronson directed for 8 years prior to his passing.
2. The Nancy Frankel & Lennie Siegel Fellow Scholar Fund - Supports registration, travel, housing, and SGS Associate Member dues for a fellow to attend the SGS Annual Meeting (the Fellow Scholars program was initiated in 2014).
Awards/Lectures Support 1. The Donald G. Gallup Distinguished Surgeon Award Fund - supports the Distinguished Surgeon Award at future SGS Annual Scientific Meetings.
2. The David H. Nichols Vaginal Surgery Award Fund – supports the vaginal surgery award for scholarly activity related to vaginal surgery presentations or videos at the Annual Meeting.
Education 1. Education Fund – supports activities of the Education Committee (e.g., courses, podcasts, enduring materials).
2. The John O. L. DeLancey Pelvic Anatomy Fund – supports the Pelvic Anatomy Group
Research 1. CoRPS Fund – Established in 2020 in honor of Drs. Cheryl Iglesia, Kim Kenton, and Holly Richter, this fund supports multi-centered research projects generated from the Collaborative Research in Pelvic Surgery Consortium.
2. Research Fund – supports activities of the Research Committee (e.g., small research grants, general support for SGS research entities including the Systematic Review Group, Fellows Pelvic Research Network).
