Recognition Levels
Patron $1-$999
Advocate $1,000-$2,499
Mentor $2,500-$4,999
Champion $5,000-$9,999
Ambassador $10,000-$24,999
Guardian $25,000 +
All donations are cumulative and accounted for on a cash basis in determining your giving level. So today, whether you’ve had a long-term relationship with us, or are just starting out – we ask you to give to support the mission of SGS. Your donation will make a difference in advancing research and education of gynecologic surgery.
We offer the following recognition of your cumulative donations to SGS.
- At Patron level donor receives a silver logo pin
- At Advocate Level donor receives a gold logo pin
- At Mentor Level gold donor logo pin would include a ruby
- At Champion Level gold donor logo pin would include a second ruby
- At Ambassador Level gold donor logo pin would include a third ruby
- At Guardian Level gold donor logo pin would include a fourth ruby
- All donor names would be published on the website
- All donors would be included on signage at the annual meeting