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SGS is now providing complimentary access to the complete SGS Video Library to Residency and Fellowship Program Directors so that they may use the videos to help teach the next generation of gynecologic surgeons. Directors click HERE to complete a short application for SGS Video Library access.
The SGS Video Library has been upgraded to allow for greater search capabilities. It has maintained its category search by specific annual meeting year and type of presentation. However SGS has now added a "Search" bar at the top right of video library landing page where you may search by video author, institution, title or keyword listed below.
abdominal hysterectomy anal incontinence anal sphincteroplasty anterior colporrhaphy apical support autologous sling bowel resection Burch urethropexy cervical cancer cervical cerclage colpectomy colpocleisis colposuspension complications congenital anomalies ct scan culdoplasty cystocele cystoscopy cystotomy repair dermoid endometriosis enterocele enterocele repair enterotomy repair fecal incontinence fibroids fistula fistula repair flap fourth degree laceration gastrointestinal tract graft hysterectomy hysteroscopy imaging modalities incision of vaginal septum incontinence injury
labial agglutination laparoscopic hysterectomy laparoscopic surgery laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy laparotomy leiomyoma lymph node dissection mesh complications mesh erosion mesh excision midurethral sling morcellation MRI myomectomy obstetric injury oophorectomy oophoropexy ovarian cancer overactive bladder paravaginal repair perineoplasty perineorrhaphy posterior colporrhaphy prolapse pubovaginal sling rectocele rectovaginal fistula repair robotic hysterectomy robotic surgery sacrocolpopexy sacrohysteropexy sacrospinous ligament suspension salpingectomy salpingo-oophorectomy simulation small bowel stress incontinence surgical anatomy
surgical education tissue extraction trachelectomy tubal anastomosis ultrasound ureteral reimplantation ureteroureterostomy ureterovaginal fistula urethral bulking procedure urethral diverticulum repair urethropexy urge incontinence urinary tract uterine artery ligation uterine cancer uterine prolapse uterosacral ligament suspension uterus vagina vaginal cuff closure vaginal cyst vaginal hysterectomy vaginal mass vaginal surgery vaginal vault prolapse vascular dissection vesicovaginal fistula vestibulectomy vulvar conditions