Join us for the SGS Annual Course in Advanced Gynecologic Surgery!
The 2020 Course takes place virtually from
Thursday, December 3rd - Saturday, December 6th.

Remote Hands-on Laparoscopic Suturing Workshop
December 6, 2020
Virtual Zoom Session
10:00 am - 7:00 pm EDT
Eligible for ABOG MOC IV credits

This remote hands-on laparoscopic surgical skills training course is designed to provide robust curriculum leveraging the highest fidelity and most engaging surgical simulation.  The “All-hands-on All-the-time” course format is based on the validated surgical educational principle of “supervised deliberate practice”.  As well, the course teaches general surgical skill and procedure-specific technique with then application in “reiterative fashion to progressively more challenging and complex surgical simulations.” It is designed to provide transformative surgical skill advancement.

The equipment, while complex, has been developed to provide “plug and play” utility.  All the necessary equipment is delivered to individual attendees with setup and breakdown remotely guided and supervised. Day-of-course tech monitoring and help is provided to promote attendee focus on training: attendees open the course, train intensively, and pack the course away for return.

Requirements for Enrollment
  1. All attendees will need to have a desktop or preferably laptop computer equipped with standard video/audio i-cam as well as two separate USB ports.
  2. Reliable high-speed internet access is essential – video conferencing capability needs to be confirmed prior to enrollment.
  3. In-person receipt of shipping of equipment and models will be necessary.
  4. Return shipping (with insurance) of all equipment and models will be required shortly following the course. The cost of return shipping is the responsibility of the attendee. 
  5. Liability release for course attendance is required.
  6. Review and acceptance of “Terms of Agreement” will be required of participants.



The ABOG MOC standards now allow participation in ABOG-approved Simulation Courses to meet the annual Improvement in Medical Practice (Part IV) MOC requirement.  This course has been approved to meet ABOG Improvement in Medical Practice requirements until . Please review the current MOC Bulletin for further information: