Course 4: Advanced Endometriosis Surgery and Pelvic Pain- Patient Centered Approach
Sunday, March 19, 2023 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm MST
Live and Virtual
Course Director
Ted Lee, MD
Magee Women's Hospital, UPMC
Course Faculty: Shannon Cohn, Sadikah Behbehani, MD; Linda Yang, MD; Sawsan As-Sanie, MD, MPH; Nucelio Lemos, MD, PhD; Jon Einarsson, MD, PhD
The success of endometriosis surgery starts long before the procedure itself. Understanding accurate diagnostic modalities that will assist in surgical planning and the informed consent process is paramount to optimizing surgical outcomes. Recognizing various manifestation of this enigmatic condition, its impact on patients’ quality of life and having surgical expertise all plays an important part of providing patient-centered care for women suffering from endometriosis. This course will provide an in-depth discussion on safe and appropriate surgical excision from early stage superficial disease to deep infiltrating endometriosis with multi-visceral involvement. Fertility sparing strategies as well as hysterectomy in the context of severe endometriosis will be discussed in details. The course will also explore the importance of recognizing and managing coexisting overlapping pain conditions in the comprehensive care of pelvic pain in patients with endometriosis. The emerging discipline of neuropelvelogy and its application in evaluation and management of endometriosis and associated pelvic pain will also be examined.
Course Objectives:
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant should be able to:
1) Implement a multidisciplinary and patient-centered treatment plan for endometriosis of various severity.
2) Discuss how to apply surgical skills of excision of endometriosis on various visceral structures and extra-pelvic sites to your own practice
3) Incorporate the foundation of neuropelvelogy in the diagnosis and management chronic pelvic pain and endometriosis sacral nerve roots and sciatic nerve involvement.