50th Annual Scientific Meeting, March 24-27, 2024

50th Annual Scientific Meeting
March 24-27, 2024


Postgraduate Courses & Workshops
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Course 1: Strategies for Fertility Preserving Care of Advanced Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain
Sunday, March 24, 2024 | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Course Director: Megan Billow, MD
Course Faculty: Cara King, DO; Miguel Luna, MD; Ashley Gubbels, MD; Matthew Leonardi, MD; Mindy Christianson, MD

Endometriosis is a complex, enigmatic disease that poses challenges to patients and the healthcare system. Due to disease chronicity, early diagnosis and shared decision making is imperative to improve quality of life and fertility outcomes. While we have made advancements in disease understanding and management, treatment strategies often include hormonal and surgical options that preclude future fertility.

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of diagnosis and management of endometriosis in patients desiring fertility preservation. Strategies for implementing multi-disciplinary care through utilizing advanced imaging modalities and collaboration with other surgical specialties will be discussed. Participants will learn an evidence-based approach to endometrioma management to decrease pain and improve fertility outcomes. Surgical strategies for approaching the obliterated posterior cul-de-sac and deep infiltrating endometriosis with fertility preservation will be described. Treatment options for managing chronic pelvic pain when fertility is desired will be discussed. We will explore the impact of social media on the patient/provider relationship and discuss strategies to improve the disconnect. Finally, the panel will present challenging cases with surgical videos and invite participants to bring cases to discuss. 


Course 2: Surgical Management of Mullerian Anomalies 
Sunday, March 24, 2024 | 8:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Course Director: John Gebhart, MD
Course Faculty: Cassandra Kisby, MD and John Miklos, MD

We will begin with embryology and assessment of the patient with mullerian anomalies. We will then describe numerous mullerian anomalies of the lower reproductive tract and how to manage them surgically. We will then take a deep dive into uterovaginal agenesis (MRKH syndrome). We will discuss the presentation and the nonsurgical and surgical management of these patients.  We will focus on the 2 main surgical interventions for this condition - McIndoe neovagina and the Davydov procedure in detail. We will finish with a discussion on singapore flaps and interesting cases.


Course 3: Bladder and Ureter: Common Battleground for the Urogynecologists and Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgeons
Sunday, March 24, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST
Co-Course Directors: Lisa Chao, MD and Ted Lee, MD
Course Faculty: Catherine Bradley, MD, MSCE; Catherine Matthews, MD; Emad Mikhail, MD; Kevin Stepp, MD; Cara King, DO, MS

Risk of lower urinary tract injury in gynecologic surgery varies with the type of procedure, surgical approach, and surgeon experience. Factors that increase the risk of bladder or ureteral injury can include altered anatomy such as pelvic organ prolapse, endometriosis, prior surgeries, or infection causing subsequent scarring.  While the sequelae of lower urinary tract injury can be morbid with a negative impact on patients’ quality of life, an emphasis on prevention is paramount with thorough knowledge of pelvic anatomy. In the setting of iatrogenic complications, the goal must be early recognition and treatment. This course will cover ureteral identification and safe dissection techniques when common pathology such as endometriosis and retroperitoneal fibrosis are encountered. Detection of bladder and ureteral injuries with its associated repair will be discussed in detail. Additionally, this course will also review bladder pain syndrome and the diagnosis and management of bladder and ureteral complications associated with urogynecology procedures such as mesh erosion, vesicovaginal and ureterovaginal fistulas.  


Course 4: Evaluation and Management of Anorectal Disorders for the Gynecologic Surgeon
Sunday, March 24, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST
Course Director: Carolyn Swenson, MD
Course Faculty: Jolyn Hill, MD; Lisa Hickman, MD

As Ob/Gyns, we are quite familiar with repairing obstetrically induced injuries to the anal sphincter. Yet, there is a persistent gap in training and knowledge regarding the clinical evaluation of the anal sphincter complex as well as the diagnosis and management of anorectal disorders remote from delivery. As anorectal disorders are common and often affect other pelvic disorders treated by gynecologists, it is critical for gynecologists to be comfortable assessing and evaluating these conditions. This workshop aims to use content experts, case scenarios, and multi-media modalities to give participants a comprehensive, in depth understanding of anorectal anatomy and the evaluation and management of common anorectal disorders. This course will review the appropriateness of diagnostic tools and provide participants with the foundational knowledge to interpret these results. The second half of the course will focus specifically on management of anal incontinence related to chronic anal sphincter defects. We will review the latest data comparing anal sphincteroplasty and sacral neuromodulation to give participants the most up to date data and evidence-based surgical options. Finally, tips and tricks for successful anal sphincteroplasty will be reviewed. 


SGS Social Media Workshop: Social Media, AI, and Beyond
Sunday, March 24, 2024 | 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST
Co-Course Directors: Mireille Truong, MD; Jocelyn Fitzgerald, MD

Join the SGS Social Media Committee and special guests at this year's Social Media Workshop! This year's workshop will highlight new advancements in AI, specifically how they can be applied clinically and in patient education to make content creation simple. The workshop will also feature social media basics including how to create content and how to develop an online persona. New this year, all attendees will have the opportunity to leave the social media workshop with one professionally built social media post. The hosts of the workshop will assist each attendee in creating a video or photo to describe their research or experience at the SGS Meeting. Register today and bring your social media to the next level.