Panel Discussion | Work-Life Balance & Gynecologic Surgery
Moderator: Patrick Culligan, MD Panelists: Drs. Kristie Greene, Sally Huber, Catherine Matthews and Charles Rardin Friday July 10th | 8:15 pm to 9:00 pm ET
TeLinde Lecturer | Vicente Gracias, MD Artificial Intelligence in Surgery Friday, July 10th | 6:15 pm to 7:00 pm ET

Dr. Gracias is Professor of Surgery, Senior Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs of RBHS and President of Rutgers Health Group (RHG). Organized as a nonprofit subsidiary corporation of Rutgers University, RHG is an integrated group practice incorporating 1,000 clinical faculty from across Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Jersey Medical School, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, University Behavioral Health Care, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, and the School of Nursing. In these dual roles, Dr. Gracias leads the growth and evolution of the Rutgers clinical enterprise during this time of systemic change in health care. Dr. Gracias works closely with the Deans, institute directors, faculty leaders and health system partners to encourage collaboration, advance quality and excellence, and provide strategic direction. Read More>>
Panel Discussion | Understanding, Managing and Benefiting From Your e-Presence Moderator: Patrick Culligan, MD | Panelists: Brad Bowman, MD, Peter Lotze, MD and Heather Schueppert, BA Thursday, July 9th | 8:20 PM to 9:00 PM ET
Special Guest Lecture | Marc Beer Co-Founder, Chairman & CEO of Renovia
“From Just an Idea to Standard of Care” Saturday, July 11th | 11:15 am to 12:00 pm

Marc brings more than 25 years of development and commercialization experience in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, devices, and diagnostics. Marc founded Renovia with Ramon Iglesias, MD and Yolanda Lorié in August 2016 and successfully closed a Series A financing with leading healthcare venture capital funds.
Marc is the former Chief Executive Officer of Aegerion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: AEGR). Aegerion is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development and commercialization of innovative therapies for patients with debilitating rare diseases.
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