Panel Discussion | Understanding, Managing and Benefiting From Your e-Presence Moderator: Patrick Culligan, MD | Panelists: Heather Schueppert, BA, Peter Lotze, MD and Burt Kann, MBA Thursday, July 9th | 8:20 pm to 9:00 pm

Dr. Peter Lotze, MD is a fellowship-trained Urogynecologist in Houston, Texas since 2002, where he established the Women's Pelvic Restorative Center.
His training included an internship in Psychiatry and a residency of OB/Gyn at Baylor College of Medicine. He went on to do a fellowship in FPMRS at the Women's Continence Center of Greater Rochester in Rochester, NY. During his career, he has overseen an unaccredited FPMRS from 2005-2017. He currently serves as the Chairman for the Department of Surgery at Woman's Hospital of Texas. He is the site director for the University of Houston / HCA OB/Gyn residency program at that hospital. He has an affiliation with the University of Texas - McGovern as a Clinical Assistant Professor, where he works with residents in the OR and serves as the director for resident anatomy education in the UTHSC-McGovern anatomy lab for the past 15 years. He has represented Woman's Hospital of Texas as the Chairman for their semi-annual Texas Clinical Symposium in Women's Health for the past 10 years. He has served as a Board Examiner for the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has previously served as Chairman of PURE-HOPE – a regional patient support group for painful bladder syndrome. He has been recognized repeatedly as one of Houston’s Top Doctors by his peers.